Continuing Pastor Glover’s efforts to offer some thoughts to ponder each month through Zion’s web page presence and since it’s snowing outside, leading me to work from my home office today, I thought I’d give it a shot.
My singer/songwriter friend, the late John Prine, was fond of pointing out the idiosyncrasies of modern life and modern people. He made a career out of giving voice to the things we thought, but chose not to speak. He often used familiar phrases to share his thoughts, phrases that we might use when we can’t figure out anything else to say and turn to in “default.” Try this one. “That’s the way that the world goes round.” Ponder the lyrics. “That’s the way that the world goes round. You’re up one day. The next your down. It’s a half an inch of water and you think you’re gonna drown. That’s the way that the earth goes round.” It is a topsy turvy world. You’re up one day. The next you’re down. Climate news is troubling. The evidence seems clear that we are sinking our own ship. Still, opponents oppose any efforts at addressing our own demise. The party of National Security voted against its own bill to provide some. Those who used to stand in the way of Russian aggression, now cheer them on. More shootings … in a church, a subway, city streets and more. It is a topsy turvy world. What to say? “That’s the way that the world goes round.” When we feel helpless, we echo such thoughts because we have nothing better to say. Scripture says, “God is our refuge and strength.” It is a simple reminder that in the helplessness of life in the world, people of faith turn to the ready help of God, who is our refuge and strength. God is the light on the horizon with the promise of a safe arrival. God is the open arms of a neighbor offering comfort in a time of need. God is the warm bowl of soup for an empty belly. God is bread and wine given and received kneeing or standing elbow to elbow next to a beloved sister or brother in faith. God is hope. God is promise. God is love. The world is topsy turvy. We cannot comprehend or make sense of much of it. But, God is steadfast. That is true and can be trusted. Blessings! Pastor Geib
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AuthorSPastor Richard Geib Archives
February 2025