If you would like more information about any of these activities, speak to Pastor Geib, or send an inquiry using our CONTACT US page. (You do not not need to be a member of Zion to participate.)
East Donegal / Conoy Township Food Bank

Donate food or money, and/or take a turn packing and distributing food.
Zion is one of 14 congregations supporting this cooperative effort which currently provides food for as many as 180 area families in need.
In addition to responding to requests for food donations, we take our turn in sending volunteers to staff the food bank, open each Wednesday from 2-4 pm. In addition, volunteers from all participating congregations gather to pack special Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter food boxes.
Zion is one of 14 congregations supporting this cooperative effort which currently provides food for as many as 180 area families in need.
In addition to responding to requests for food donations, we take our turn in sending volunteers to staff the food bank, open each Wednesday from 2-4 pm. In addition, volunteers from all participating congregations gather to pack special Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter food boxes.
Holiday Bazaar

(November, year-round opportunities to help with preparation) 2-day bazaar sells baked goods, soup, hand-crafted items, Christmas decorations, etc., raising money for the Food Bank and Zion’s Facilities Task Force (elevator fund).
Prime Time Lunches

The monthly “Primetime” luncheons in our fellowship hall (usually the first Tuesday of the month) provide food, fellowship and a variety of educational and fun activities (including the ever-popular BINGO) for approximately 30-50 Marietta-area senior citizens. Volunteers take turns preparing and serving the meals. There is no charge for the luncheon. Donations are combined with International Gift Shop proceeds to help support a variety of charitable organizations.
Tools 4 School

With the help of local businesses, we are able to provide free school supplies for local families who might find the cost burdensome. So far, the weather has cooperated with this August event, enabling us to hold it in our pavilion.
You can help by donating money or supplies, contacting local businesses that might help sponsor the event, helping with the August setup and distribution, and/or helping to advertise or spread the word about the next event.
You can help by donating money or supplies, contacting local businesses that might help sponsor the event, helping with the August setup and distribution, and/or helping to advertise or spread the word about the next event.